Thanks to all for the replies!

Maybe I should have mentionned that my collection is comprised of more
than 3400 CD (50700 "songs") converted in Apple Lossless. (In fact, I
have more CD to rip, but my 1Tb disk is full and I wait (or try to
wait) until big, cheap SS disks become available (hopefully in 2010).)
Search is slow, but acceptable. What is really slow is scan, especially

SO the need for a faster computer. "Generic" (non-apple) seems the more
cost-effective solution to me. I can have a microtower with 2.5 MHz
Intel Core2 duo, ASUS motherboard, 2Gb memory, 320G HD, GeForce 7050
256mb, DVD burner, 5.1 HD surround sound (not that I need this), etc,
etc., for about the price of a used Mac Mini G4... But friends tell me
that I am bitterly going to regret taking the PC route, that Windows XP
is a piece of **** that don’t works half of the time, very difficult to
set, etc. On the other hand, millions of people do real work on
Windows, no? So it must work with a OK stability, isn’t it? Of course,
there is the Linux or dedicated music box (vortex) way. Just some


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