radish;427083 Wrote: 
> But it's not really a "background program" - these things are
> specifically designed to take 100% cpu when the machine is otherwise
> idle (which for a typical file server is almost all the time). It does
> of course depend very much on your machine, something like an Atom has a
> max usage of around 4W so a 50% change is largely irrelevant. A faster
> processor however could have a much bigger range - mine is running on an
> Athlon LE-1640 which has a max usage of 45W, compared with an idle usage
> closer to 10W - the difference there is obviously much greater. My guess
> is that more people are running SC on old P4 boxes (which use huge
> amounts of power) than Atoms, so the difference could be quite
> significant.
> Add to that the fact that you're running the thing at max temps which
> may cause interesting issues depending on how good your cooling is (as
> well as increasing noise). 
> I'm not trying to dissuade anyone from contributing if they want to,
> just making sure people are aware that it's not "free" computing power,
> it costs you some extra amount of money and it costs the environment
> some extra amount of carbon emissions, even if your machine is normally
> on 24/7 like mine.

This depends a lot on the hardware, OS, client, and power consumption
settings.  It is possible to run one of these programs without
significantly altering the power consumption of the machine.  The laptop
I run SC and fold...@home on cruises along at 800Mhz most of the time. 
It instantly scales up to 2.2Ghz (or any of the notches in between) if a
process with a high priority demands it.

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