On Topic Post:

I've just finished reading this months T3 magazine and there were
approximately 4 references to the Roku, either as direct editorial,
reviews or advertisments.

Total references for the SB2: Zero.

Even the MP101 got a write up. And in a comment giving examples of
available streaming kit just about every available device got a mention
EXCEPT for the SB2 - one almost gets the impression it's a conspiracy!

The SB2 definately needs it's profile raised in the UK, but it's likely
the same could be said for the rest of Europe too. This is definately
going to be a problem long term for Slim Devices but is this something
their distributors should be sorting out, or Slim? Deep pockets will be
needed to fund any in-your-face advertising, so perhaps a review on
theregister.com would help raise the profile globally without costing
too much?

Word of mouth sales will only work so well - trust me, I'm a UK TiVo
owner! Eventually maintsteam marketing is required to sustain the
product, and in this regard SB2 is an also ran. :(

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