mertles;437227 Wrote: 
> 1. A shuffle button (next to the repeat button) on the playlist screen
> would be nice. Can I shuffle from elsewhere at the moment?
Hey mertles
The shuffle button is implemented in version 0.96 which is coming up.
I need some beta testers actually.

> 2. The three buttons for adding/inserting etc. to the playlist are
> intuitive I thought and are perfectly good.
Good, I was hoping people would find them intuitive.

> 3. It would be nice if that after the very first time I select an
> artist it doesn't go off and fetch all 3000+ album details straight
> away, but recognises this is the first time I'd seleced an artist since
> loading so just goes and fetches the album details for that artist.
> Maybe go and get the rest of the album details after the software
> recognises I haven't touched it for a couple of minutes?
Yeah, you're right. 
I will try and have Slimcontrol skip the complete loading, when you
select albums of a particular artist. (or artists for a particular
BTW, v.0.96 caches all that album, artist, genre information. 

> 4. Love the touch scrolling, but like others I'm accidentally select
> songs etc. quite regularly. Is it possible to invisibly split the screen
> in half vertically, and have the left hand side for selecting and the
> right hand side for scrolling (with selecting disabled on the scrolling
> side). 
Good idea, I'll consider it.


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