Hi Sebastian,

Happy to say I discovered your app, installed it with ease on a HTC
Touch, and got it working without any real drama.

Only real feedback is that it would be nice to have a little more
guidance in the manual around some of the setup options, namely the
"Music Server" entry.  Perhaps because I don't actually have a
SqueezeBox yet and am only using SoftSqeeze it was less obvious (or
perhaps it's just a lack of coffee) - but it took me a few attempts
before I figured out what was needed.
- I first tried the IP displayed in the browser for SqueezeCenter,
- I then checked in SoftSqeeze for settings, it had the same IP, no
- Then I noticed the "Login" check box, so I tried entering my
SqueezeCenter login, no good.

Finally I realised I just needed the IP of PC it's all running on.

No big deal, wasted 10 minutes... but thought it my be worth a line in
the manual for anyone else trying to configure with SoftSqueeze first. 

Oh and last thing - took me a couple of 'plays' to figure out how the 3
buttons for adding / inserting to the play-list, I've seen the recent
threads and once I got it figured out I think the buttons are good - but
your manual still only has the old 2 buttons listed.


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