We can make it an option.  Patches welcome.

As per my previous posts I believe this should be an option...  I'll have a go 
at it - put the bug down to me...

Now the hard bit - agreeing what the option should cover. I think it should be (slight refinement to my previous post on the matter):

Power Off / Resume mode:
1) Pause/Resume: Power off = pause, power on = unpause - continue playing same 
track at point paused.
2) Pause: Power off = pause, power on = no action - i.e. the current behaviour
3) Stop: Power off = stop, power on = no action, pressing play will restart the 
track being played when turned off at the start
4) Stop/Reset Playlist: Power off = stop + reset current song to start of 
playlist, power on = no action. [emulating a CD player]

For remote urls (streaming radio stations), it should be either 3 or 4 as we don't want to stream when the user thinks the player is off.

Any advance?

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