Well, since you haven't tried the C-200 I find it intriguing you already
deem it not good enough platform to use the SC on. I've got
SqueezeCenter running on my old NAS with less resources available (apart
from storage) than the C-200. It's not good performance at all, but it
runs. We might look into using the old 6.5.4 with sqlite or so too,
anything to get the  extra performance - if needed - to make it run.

And what does GPL violations and mpd got to do with anything concerning
running SqueezeCenter on on the NMT platform? That's totally mixing
apples with pears. SC will not interact with any
closed/secret/proprietary library on the NMT as we are talking about
-serving Squeezebox clients-, not NMT's, for audio out. Just like
running SC in Windows.

And there's no compromise in audio quality whatsoever. The only thing I
can think of is the usability with slow navigation of big media

You are entitled to your opinion about NMT's, but it will not change
the minds of those who will have a C-200 and is looking for a way to
serve their Squeezeboxes/Transporters/Duets/whatevers from it - as the
original post is about.

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