JJZolx;450601 Wrote: 
> It may be possible to request in the future that the documents be kept
> confidential until some later date, but it's got to be a pain in the ass
> to monitor all the applications and do that.

Ha. There are many jobs where someone has to monitor a calendar to
insure timely action for various things. It's just like anything else.
Court dates and deadlines, government filings, actions required by
contract, even processing paychecks! Not something I'd find engaging,
but it's important. Screw-ups can be very costly.

JJZolx;450601 Wrote: 
>   If anything, I'd expect a confidentiality request to use a date later
> than the expected release date.

Right, just to cut down handling. But as I said above, things like this
are usually very easily extended (when appropriate and within the
agency's guidelines). I have no specific FCC experience but I do know of
some similar processes. The agency itself is walking a tightrope. As you
may know, the Freedom of Information Act requires disclosure (if
requested) of most federal governmental proceedings. The agencies
themselves are usually most cooperative about maintaining
confidentiality within the guidelines they have. But the guidelines are
always time limited, and they monitor these themselves. Most agencies
get FOIA requests daily by the box load, and they need to track what can
and can't be disclosed, and if not, when. It's probably a bigger pain to
them but they have no choice.

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