upstatemike;451298 Wrote: 
> Exactly... dump the SBR/Duet and do a bundle price with the Contoller
> and the SB3/Classic (or SB Touch). Having a non-display device that
> requires a contoller to configure it is fine IF you actually provide the
> screens to expose all of the configuration settings. Logitech has not
> done that and some of the work-arounds such as NET::UDAP, temporarily
> reconfiguring your router to "force" certain settings, etc, are just not
> appropriate for a consumer audio product.

Like they say, you can never please everyone.   :)

IMHO, leave it as it is and pay the $70 premium of an SB3 vs SBR.
Bundling an SBC with every SD player doesn't make sense to me, nor do I
think it would sell much as a SBC+SB3 bundle as most would be content
with the SB3 as a standalone player with it's own screen.
For non-SBR players it's more of an add-on the way I look at it.
Dumping the Duet/SBR is really silly if one desires that setup with a
SBC, particularly with multiple SBR's.

I've never used a Duet/SBR/SBC myself so maybe I'm missing
something....what network settings are not accessible via SBC?

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