JadeMonkee;454050 Wrote: 
> I think the best potential use for the new product would be installation
> in a car. The touch screen would actually save the hassle of having to
> mount the remote somewhere, and it'd look awesome in a dashboard.
> I would like to use it that way... only my car is not good enough (why
> bother when the car is only worth $1000, and only has one working
> speaker ;)

I kind of agree with you as long as the SD card support was good, IE if
the library views could be used as normal whilst using local sd card usb
HDD (rather than using browser view) then this would suit most peoples
in car requirements.

though depending on the final size of this thing the installation could
be a big custom job.

roll on friday when we hopefully get what we have all been waiting for
for the last 2 months or so!!

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