pippin;464152 Wrote: 
> 1. good find! Could you file a ticket for this so that I not forget to
> fix it?
> https://trac.penguinlovesmusic.de/trac/ipengnat/
> 2. Yes, well, that's how D'n'D on iPhone is... It's a bit hard to do
> with only "touch" as a control...
> You can also sync by selecting the players you want to sync and
> pressing the "sync" button on the lower toolbar.
> 3. This is strange and should not be. I also haven't seen that. Are you
> sure they are still synced?
> Sometimes it can take a short while until server feedback about
> sync/mode actions (move means: to another server) comes in ans therefore
> there can be a jumping back and forth but it should eventually do as
> commanded.
> 4. rearranging players is not purely accidental but let's say it's not
> an advertised feature because there are quite a lot of situations where
> it will not work (the sort order will change on it's own, that is).
> It's extremely ahrd to get around that because what I see is that the
> server sometimes sporadically "forgets" about a player and brings it
> back later and you have to react  to that because it could well have
> been a change through a different interface.
> You could also file a ticket on the "rearrange to first place" thing
> and I'll investigate but right now I am not sure whether I maybe
> intentionally ignored the lack because you can still move the first item
> to second place.

1. #127

2. What happens is that I pick a player and drops it below another
player header and above the other player name. (Can't provide a
screenshot right now). The interface moves the header and player name
apart but when I make the drop it returns to the previous position.

3. The interface show them as two separate players. If I select one of
them and hit pause or next track, etc both reacts. I'll try to describe
it step by step later.

4. I see that the "lost" player screws up the order. Can't iPeng keep
the previous order until it's rearranged again? When the player returns
it gets it's previous position back. If a previously unknown players
turns up add it to the bottom of the list. In other words let iPeng
determine the order all the time and don't care about the order from

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