pippin;464261 Wrote: 
> 1. Thanks!
> 2. And it doesn't move back into the group after a few moments? What
> kind of player is this?
> 3. Can you reproduce this? Or did it only happen once? Do they still
> show up separately when you restart iPeng?
> 4. No, it's not that easy. iPeng gets the necessary data from the
> server through two different channels:
> - serverstatus. This gives you the number ans IDs of the players
> - player status. This contains the sync state.
> The problem is that it can take several seconds until the new player
> status comes in. So iPeng first assumes that whatever action you did was
> successful and changes that proposition when a new player status with a
> different sync state comes in. Maybe that's where something went wrong.
> First separating them again is a bad idea because it confuses users
> (they will think the sync failed; this still can happen when a regular
> player status comes in at the wrong time) and try to sync again.
> The position problem is that server status sometimes seems to "lose" a
> player, iPeng then removes it and brings it back when the next player
> status comes in showing that the player is still there.
> Sync management is still not perfect in SBS and iPeng has to work
> around that a bit.

2. I'll try to reproduce this.

3. I'll try to reproduce this.

4. I don't know if we're talking about the same thing. I'm talking
about individual player rearrangement and not when syncing players. i.e.
what order the players appear in the list. If we bring syncing into it I
guess unsyncing either could bring the player back to where in the list
is was before or put it at the bottom like when a new player appear.

start -> sort  -> sync -> new    -> unsync  -> 
A B C -> A C B -> C BA -> C BA D -> A C B D ->

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