Not a big deal, but it when I add a couple of albums and use the "look
for new and changed music" the artwork isn't scanned in.
On the Information page, there isn't an artwork scan listed at all. I'd
paste that in, but copy/paste from that panel gets all scrambled up.
The scanner log shows that there was an artwork scan, but that it was
over in 0 seconds (snipped from scanner log pasted below.

Not a major deal as the artwork gets added if I visit the album with
the web UI, then refresh.
But this -might- be a bug.
Anyone have any idea if it is?

Oh - it's Version: 7.4.1 - r28887 on a windows 2k server. Art is in
separate 'cover.jpg' files

  [09-11-16 16:27:55.1938] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (701) Completed 
mergeVariousAlbums Scan in 343 seconds.
  [09-11-16 16:27:55.2180] Slim::Music::Import::runScanPostProcessing (438) 
Starting artwork scan
  [09-11-16 16:27:55.3004] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (701) Completed 
findArtwork Scan in 0 seconds.

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