rrweather;476264 Wrote: 
> Thanks for the info. Just to be sure of your setup...you use the
> powerline adapters to provide a "wired" connection for the Airport
> Extremes. The Airport Extremes then provide a wireless signal for that
> room in your house. Lastly, your SB (except for the one connected
> directly to the powerline adapter) connect to the Airport Extremes via
> wireless? Just want to make sure I understand your setup in case I try
> something like this myself. Just curious, what kind of router do you
> use? It would be good to know what router works well with the belkin
> powerline adapters. Thanks again for the info.

The router - Netopia - came from my internet provider. I have DSL at an
'official' 1.5 Mbps. I never give it much thought - it just works.

You have my setup perfectly understood. My router is connected to my
Airport Extreme which then is connected via ethernet cable to Belkin#1.
This transmits to the other 3 Belkins in my house. I have an Airport
Extreme connected via ethernet cable to a Belkin in two other rooms and
my SB3 is connected with the cable in room 4. 

And yes, 2 of my SB3s and the Transporter are wireless. These three are
in sync and no problems (unless iPeng and Logitech fight each other - I
just use my computer to setup sync)

The Airports are setup as 'Active Roaming". Go to Apple website/Support
and enter TA25991 for a full description of how to configure the
Airports. If you need further information, Apple tech support will help
- the tech that helped me never heard of Active Roaming but called up
the article and translated it for me. 

So I have wireless in my house everywhere except the one corner in room
4 that has my equipment rack (it figures - perfect reception in that
room except there). 

The defective Belkin was easy to spot - it gave off a sound perfectly
imitating a dentist drill as head in a dentist's waiting room. Belkin
said it was a defective power supply.

One small note of caution - if you operate a vacuum cleaner on the same
circuit as you have a Belkin, it may cause interference and signal
dropout. Your Squeeze device is fine - just pull the plug on the

Hope this helps. 


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