Newfiestang50;482785 Wrote: 
> But what I meant to say is that a particular song when viewed using
> iTunes displays the album art fine but when I go out to the same MP3 in
> my music folder on my C: drive the album art in not there. How do I get
> it to display in both places. 
> I am concerned about this because it is taking me alot of time to get
> this sorted out and if I abandon iTunes for a better music store later I
> dont want to have to do this all over again.
Hmmm, perhaps iTunes keeps the artwork in its own database. I don't use
iTunes, I just assumed it would embed the artwork. I know Squeezebox
server can display iTunes artwork. Someone else is going to have to
clarify this point.

That is reason enough for me to stay away from iTunes (yet alone the
dozens of other reasons I will never touch it).


my collection:
*1*x squeezebox radio
*1*x squeezebox touch
*1*x squeezebox boom
*2*x controller, *1*x receiver
*2*x sb3 (sliver/black), *1*x sb2 wired (silver)
*1*x sb (black), *1*x slimp3 (with rear shield)

interested in any others if you have them!
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