ajkidle;493429 Wrote: 
> There are many reasons it might not be a good idea for Logitech to
> formally hire Pippin (namely, Pippin may not be interested.)  However, I
> believe Logitech would be well served by formally sponsoring and
> branding the iPeng app.  To a new customer, I think it looks sloppy that
> the app is (1) not free and (2) not associated with Logitech in any
> way.

How would you treat the developers of the other applications for
controlling Squeezeboxes on the iPhone, Android and various other
platforms. There's no Logitech-branded control application for the
increasingly popular Android phones, but there are at least four free
applications and at least one paid (the stunningly-good Squeeze
Commander) that provide some of the same facilities and sometimes more.
There's also Moose for Windows users - an application I love and use all
the time. 

In other words (and this is a serious question), why single out the
developer of one application when I suspect very few of us have tried
all of them, and so aren't in a position to judge between them?


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