equation;494645 Wrote: 
> Took it out.  Switched the squeezebox on and... nothing.  Same old
> rebooting loop.  POS.  I expected it to last longer than my cheap
> chinese mp3 player at least.

Sorry to hear you've had a bad experience, but maybe a bit premature to
start throwing POS comments around.  If you posted more details as to
what is happening with your SB3, my guess is that the helpful members of
this community might have some ideas to help get you back on your feet.

Sean, great to see you popping up on these boards from time to time.  I
didn't discover and join the Squeezebox family until the Duet (this
after wasting nearly $1000 trying to build what was essentially a
poor-man's Touch, and later scrapping it for parts.)  I get the sense
that I missed out on some fun development times, but better to have
discovered SB late than never.  Hope life is treating you well.


2x SBR, Boom, Radio, iPeng
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