On the recently played plug-in I meant to say that it appeared in the plugins section, I haven't tested it yet, so it may be broken.

I've been trying to restart the server with -d_plugins set but it seems to reset itself every time I stop the server and restart. $%$%^!

I have dumped the pref files to see if that helps, have to wait on the rescan now.

Steven Moore
On 15 Sep 2005, at 2:49PM, Michael Herger wrote:

Using 6.1.0 - 3758 - Mac OS X 10.4.2 (8C46).

Uh... I still don't know where you really have to install the plugins on
MacOS X...

Recently played plug-in works fine

Is it really? I thought it was broken some time ago...

the others don't show up at all.

Could you try to run the server from a shell using the -d_plugins
parameter. This should tell you what's going on while the server is
initialising the plugins.

Tried without the MHCPAN folder first, no good, then tried with it
still no good.
Is this folder for windows only? not sure.

Yes, it's Windows only. I don't know whether there are packages for Mac,
or whether you need some development tools. But you could try to run

perl -MCPAN -e "install HTML::FormatText"

from the shell.

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