I am generally anti-DRM. That said, I'm also a 9 year audible subscriber
and an avid audio book listener (both from Audible and my local library)
and I think there are two sides to the story.

First I want to point out that audio books are not quite the same as
music. This is because the primary format of a book is, well, a book.
The audio version is a secondary format and one which brings in
additional revenue to be sure, but isn't the main focus of the
publisher. Audio versions of books are optional, audio versions of music
are required :-)

After years of hating DRM, it was my library which finally made me see
the other side of the argument (not that I prefer DRM'd content even

They have an online system via "MediaMall" which allows you to
"check-out" audio books from their library (for free with your library
card number). They are typically in DRM'd WMA format and only play for 4
weeks. I initially thought this was crazy and weird - but when I spoke
with someone at the library about this they explained that this system
allows them to buy a number of "virtual" copies of an audio book and the
enforce a virtual "checkout and return" process. Overall, this led to
the audio book publishers being able to sell "virtual copies" of their
audiobooks without worying about losing revenue (because they act just
like the CD sets they sell). By the end of the first year, the audiobook
selection was easily 50 times the size it was before this. So this is a
case where I am emphatically "pro-DRM" because I know for sure this
content would not be available free from my library without it.

Since audio versions of books are not compulsory, I don't think the all
same (music/movie) DRM arguments apply (at least in the same way).


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