I have no problem with DRM if I am *knowingly* renting it, as in your
library scenerio (a great idea BTW).
Just like my Napster account, I have no problem with DRM when I am
*knowingly* renting their content via streaming from their server.
But if I *buy* it, then I want to own it and have unencumbered access
to that purchase on any platform I wish to use it.

I'm all for copywright protection when implemented in a sane and common
sense way.  Like when I buy or rent a DVD, I can play that DVD on any
DVD player on the planet (NTSC vs PAL formats aside).  But DRM is not
universally standardized which limits which MP3 player I can use.

If the DVD standard were like DRM:  You rent/buy a Warner Bros movie,
pop your popcorn and dim the lights, insert your DVD into your Sony DVD
player, and you get a message on your TV "sorry, your Sony DVD player
can only play movies from Sony Studios".  So if there are 12 studios we
need to buy 12 different DVD players?  That's insane!  That's DRM!   ;)

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