I'd recommend running the server on the PC along with the files -- you
can still access all of the functions (and the same web interface) from
the laptop by going to the PC's ip address followed by :9000  (i.e.

Actually, just about any web enabled device can access the server this
way (iPhone, some cells, netbooks, other PCs in the house, etc.)

This cuts down on the networking issues associated with internal
dynamic addresses, and perhaps any latency issues.  While I'm not sure
if that will alleviate any of your current issues, it will certainly
make lower the potential for issues.  Likewise, you'll only need one PC
operative to access your music.

Back to your current issue:
When I asked if you could access the SServer via the web interface it'd
be helpful if you could attempt to access it via another computer in the
house.  This will show us if the IP address is okay or if any type of
firewall has accidentally blocked comms.


-I like it, you may not.  I understand and respect that.-
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