Hi all

Why is there so much negativity on these products -- from what I can
see 99% of problems are related to incorrect network setup or Broadband
bandwidth issues.

OK some of these Network problems can be confusing to "Non computer
techies" -- especially if there is an unseen IP address conflict - but
usually the devices connect fine FIRST TIME.

With any relatively new technology there will be teething problems
--and I will agree that the setup and operation needs to be made "more
Idiotproof" - but it will come I'm sure.

A lot of people have problems starting a new computer that they've just
bought from a store so I'm sure some problems will always occur with any
technical product.

Yes the main Server has been down from time to time --but not very
often -- the "dropouts" are often from the Radio website itself -- such
as BBC R5 and the SKY NEWS Isleworth  recently - but that was due to
these sites being massively overloaded due to the events in Haiti

Anyway here's one user in spite of initial teething troubles who is
VERY HAPPY with the system and am going to get the Touch when it is
available in the UK.

I already have a Squeezebox DUET and a RADIO (which I use daily).


jimbo45's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20276
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=74181

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