Muele;511666 Wrote: 
> Doubleclick? I think that is a mistake, it must be posible to navigate
> on a touchscreen without having to click twice.

I agree, but on the other hand, in some cases it's usefull that it
waits for a secont 'tap'before it does anything.

Heres' what I found after a quick test:

When I start the app, the scrolling text in the top is not text, but a
blur of pixels. After a while though, it works fine. - See Screen1

When i go into the album info (slide up on the album cover) ant want to
see a song title that is longer than the screen is wide, it works fine,
except if it is the second lowest line. then the 'popup text' is cut in
half. - see Screen2

When searching for songs, the result is shown, but in front of every
found song, it displays "?? - ". - see Screen3

The main playing scren seems to be missing some backgrounds. I'm
guessing it's because I just copied the SlimCtrl_13_beta.exe directly to
the older SlimCtrl 1.0b program folder on my phone. - see screen4

All in all, a SUPER upgrade, with some very nice features. I like it a
a big thanks to Sebastian + beta testers for making this app.

Hoping my observations will help

(screenshots are made with MyMobiler, and resized to fit this forum's
attachment rules)

|Filename: Screen04.png                                             |

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