Anything that can be downloaded and saved as a PDF, I think, can be the source. 
For instance, I collect the Gardiner/Monteverdi Choir Bach Cantatas. They have 
superb and extended programme notes, available to download as PDFs (although 
it's easy enough to convert and save pages that aren't using the Print menu). 
For Mac users, it is a piece of cake to attach these to albums in iTunes using 
these of Doug's Applescripts:


The downloads are then accessible from iTunes via a shortcut (a picture of a 
book) displayed in the interface next to a track listing in the album entitled 
"Booklet". Clicking on the track opens "Preview" (or whatever your default app 
for looking at PDFs is) next to, or over, the iTunes window.

What I mean is making this also possible in iPeng - only iPeng could do it 
better because it would give the ability to view these PDFs next to, and in the 
same view/appication as, all the other track info/artwork/playing info that 
iPeng displays already - and I am a big fan, by the way - on something the size 
of an iPad. In all ways but one (handling the actual cardboard) better than 
having the CD/LP covers themselves, as far as I can see.

On 15 Mar 2010, at 10:23, pippin wrote:

> Interesting.
> A lot of focus for the iPad seems to be around "show more data".
> Which obviously has a dimension of where to get this data if it's not
> in SBS. 3rd party data sources are an obvious answer and actually I do
> have some things I'm working on even for the "small screen" iPeng.
> Yet for some - Lyrics come to mind, we had the discussion - a plugin
> would be the better or even necessary idea, wouldn't it?
> DoomWolf;525210 Wrote: 
>> cataloging wi-fi networks over xmas, particularly in rural Yorkshire.
> They could have been driving around there earlier and just have done
> the database update over Christmas.
> I don't know how exactly this works, but I do know that Google (who
> runs this) buys data from local data providers in each country.
> -- 
> pippin
> ---
> see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at
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