toby10;526062 Wrote: 
> SBS > Internet Radio > Search > *entry*
> from the results page hover your cursor over the top text entry, click
> the HEART icon, this moves the searched results to your Favorites as
> it's own folder.
> Also....
> SBS > Internet Radio > *pick a sub set*
> then click the HEART icon, the entire contents are made into a
> Favorites folder.
> There are many subsets and search results within many menu items
> (including Apps) where you can do this via the SBS web UI.  Just start
> clicking until you see the HEART icon.

Worked like a charm: Thanks.

If anybody else reads this, and they are using the Windows Server
version, it's a slightly different menu path:

Squeezebox Server Control Panel | Advanced | Advanced Settings | (then
do  your search)


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