afro;530041 Wrote: 
> I have just managed to get a direct connection between my laptop and
> squeezebox, without having to run it through squeeze centre server
> software.

I have to say again, *this is so great*
No more waiting for SBS to fail connecting to to get to know
my player. I just wake up the lappy from standby, direct the player to
the favorite that points to the lappy, start the app (Spotify) playing,
and the system is up and running. *This is the way it should work...*
and that it is third-party-people that get this going is amazing! How
come the Logitech/Slimdevs people cannot fix something as easy and
workable as this?


// OppfinnarJocke
SqueezeBox Duet, Controller FW 7.4.1 r7915, Player FW 65
I mainly use my Duet for Spotify via chp's DSBridge
less and less internet radio via
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