Phil Leigh;533137 Wrote: 
> 7 is a curious number... days of the week (calendar/alarm?)
I don't use the alarm feature, but your post prompted me to take a look
at the alarm settings. Although there were no alarms listed, the option
"All Alarms" was set to ON for two of my players (and OFF for the other
one). I've set them all to OFF, and we'll see what happens...

One other thing I forgot to mention in my initial posting is that I
don't use SqueezeNetwork. (As far as I'm aware I don't even have an
account, although it's possible I did create one a few years ago). The
SqueezeNetwork options are set to Integration=Disabled and Report
Statistics=No, so I don't think it's likely to be SqueezeCenter trying
to talk to SqueezeNetwork.


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