SilverRS8;534441 Wrote: 
> Hi fphredd,
> Thx for the notice. It was supposed to be in english. Don't know why it
> has changed to dutch. It is now in english again.
> I can't stand it that you have not succeeded in getting the ReadyNAS to
> accept remote connections so if you don't mind trying some things
> again?
> I found the following link about enabling remote access for MySQL:
> The ACC help states that you only have to comment out the Bind-address
> line by placing a # in front of it. It seems you also have to do this
> for the line 'skip-networking'. Can you check this in the file as
> described in the ACC remote server option pages? 
> Since the ReadyNAS seems to have a non default SBS MySQL installation
> also look for the file /etc/my.cnf as indicated on the link above.
> If you have modified the MySQL config file, restart the readynas en use
> the Test button from ACC to check if remote access is possible.
> If it doesn't work let me know and I'll see if we can try something
> else.
> Frank

Tried the above. The bind-address line was already in there. It showed
an ip of , which was preceded by 

# Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on
# localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.

I'm figuring that means that they wanted that ip, but tried changing it
to the actual ip of the ReadyNAS <> anyway; still no luck.

Happy to be a beta tester, but happier I have it working on one

Keep the suggestions coming...

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