Let me throw in one additional wrinkle.  Due to the physical constraints
of the house, it may be necessary to add a switch to this setup. 
Wondering if such a network design is horribly flawed.  The connections
would be:

U-Verse Gateway --> Netgear Router (configured as an access point) -->
Netgear Switch --> Hard Wired Devices

Both the router and the switch would be gigabit, the gateway is 100
Mbps.  Some devices would connect directly to the gateway via 100 Mbps
ethernet, some directly to the router via 11n, and some to the switch
via 1 Gbps ethernet.  None of the traffic is particularly demandind in
terms of bandwidth -- squeezeboxen, internet, an occassional file
transfer between machines.  

Networking is not my strong suit.  Can I expect this to work?  Would
the slower ethernet speed on the gateway slow down the gigabit traffic
between devices on either the router or the switch?


2x SBR, SB3, Boom, Radio, iPeng
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