> The LCD can display photos from SD cards or USB drives or from apps
> like Flickr or Facebook, but *for $300, I expect more than that.*
> There's no video playback, for instance, which seems like a waste of
> the big, bright display. *More importantly, there are no built-in
> speakers*, here, like you'll find on the same-price Squeezebox Boom
> ($299.99); you'll need add headphones or speakers to enjoy the Touch's
> high quality audio streams. Although it does its intended job well,
> *the Squeezebox Touch's price seems out-of-sync with its abilities.*

> My biggest complaint in the audio department is the Touch's lack of
> speakers.  *Sure, the same complaint can be issued for the
> far-more-expensive Sonos Bundle 250 ($999) streaming-music solution.
> But if you're investing $1,000 in a Sonos multi-zone system, you're
> more likely to have a stereo system or dedicated speakers.*

So... the main complaint about the Touch is that it's too expensive, at
$300, to not have speakers. However, it's fine that the Sonos doesn't
have speakers, because that costs $1000.

ie, "the main problem is that the Touch should really be $700 more

Hmm. Not the most logically rigorous review, IMHO.

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