How do you find music in your own library ? 

Mostly My Music-Dynamic-not rated (use all kind of expressions) or top
I m listening music based on ratings and history (top rated songs not
recently played)
Often use the simple search feature too. Album art is nice, i love it,
but i never use. :)
Im a total idiot, but dreaming about a simple menu that can be able to
choose some genres with top rated tracks and play them. (a+b+..n genre
-top rated songs in dynamic playlist)

How do you usually find new music you like to get but currently don't
have in your library ?

Always look my fav band's side projects, search all artist's bio and
seek for new bands. Looking new youtube links on Facebook. :) Sometimes
im listening radioio, and try to remember the best songs and bands
Sometimes use Allmusic.com
Through friends (but its a marginal factor)
Always previewing before i buy something. Good audio quality is
important too.

How would you like to be able to find music in your own library in the
future ?

Im a total idiot, but dreaming about a simple menu that can be able to
choose some genres with top rated tracks and play them. (a+b+..n genre
-top rated songs in dynamic playlist)

Would be nice, if i can be able to change/add tags via SB Classic (or
on web) or write comments to each song (maybe can marking points of a
track (nice drum solo here, and search it later)

How would you like to find new music you like to buy/get in the future

Nowadays i use the Squeezeplay more than SB Classic, but i prefer
Classic with remote.

What kind of tagging/management do you do on new music you add to your
library to make it easier to find stuff later on ?

I'm not using custom tags yet, but i ll do that

Yes, im rated my songs/albums manually and this make the base of my
playlists. I have a huge collection of music (21000 songs) and id like
to see, whats my really fav songs.

Do you synchronize the data in SBS with some other application to make
it easier to find interesting music ?

Only Facebook app

Thanks for your hard work Erland!


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