mherger;567953 Wrote: 
> Not much choices? There used to be two products (Classic, Transporter).
> Today there are five (Transporter, Duet, Radio, Touch, Boom).

Well, Transporter is discontinued, isn't it? So that would be four.

Just saying. The new line isn't bad, but I am partial to the "classic"
I3k line, although I am relatively new to the product - been using it
for less than one year. Started with Classic. Tried a Radio last fall,
but it was a disaster, so I sent it back (just bought another to
evalute and it is looking better, although I am still seeing issues).
Then bought two Booms, another Classic, a used SB2, and yesterday I
bought a Transporter 2nd hand... AMAZING piece and two VFD are just
stunning. I am considering adding a Touch, since my smaller kids can't
quite master the Classic via remote.

My only wish would be that the features aren't removed. For example
inability to customize top level menu is sorta deal breaker with
Radio/Touch. I know there is some work being done in 7.6 but I am
unhappy that these functions are not being made available in the server

I think old timers (or people preferring legacy devices) will embrace
new line and stop bitching if: (1) they work reliably, (2) existing
features are not taken away.

To end my random rambling - thank you for great work. These devices
totally transformed how I (now we) listen to music. Much appreciated.

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