
I've hade a Squeezebox for getting on 10 years now I guess. I actually
have two SB1s; two 'Booms'; and a 'controller'. 

Not so long ago, the Booms would sync with the 'main' SB1. Now, when
trying to listen to internet radio the SB1 just doesn't seem to cut it,
it's permanently buffering and 'waiting to sync'. 

I'm using 7.5.1 on a Windows 7 PC with a Netgear DG834G router/modem.
According to the server settings panel the wireless strength on the
Boom (which is one room closer to the router) is 71%, the SB1 is at
48%. Switching them isn't practical as the SB1 sits on top of an old
'separates' amp/speakers set-up and the Boom is in the kitchen.

I know the SB1 is really old tech by now - but it used to work OK. Is
there anything in terms of compatibility/capability that could be
causing this?

There is one thing I wonder about: it's a relatively new PC and I'm
fairly sure it's connecting to the router wirelessly despite being
hard-wired via an ethernet cable (I don't know how to make it switch
over). I wonder if this means the 'double hop' of wireless signals,
from PC to router, then router to SB1 is causing problems, while the
Boom is better able to cope??

Any advice or thoughts? 

(as I usually say at this stage; I'm not great with computers, but I
love the whole SB family/capabilities)



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