peterw;601544 Wrote: 
> Have you had a chance to try the Sleevetown mylar sleeves out yet? I was
> just about to order from jazzloft, but I'm intrigued by the mylar
> option, as I almost never access my CDs, not in the years since I got
> caught up ripping them for my Squeezeboxes.
Yep, over the past couple of months I've loaded nearly all my CDs into
the Sleevetown mylar sleeves. (I keep box sets intact.) The sleeves
work perfectly for what I wanted to do. A small number of my CDs (e.g.
with special booklets or extra artwork) were too thick to fit into the
standard sleeves, so I also bought a pack of different mylar sleeves on
eBay that are large enough to hold fatboy double CDs in their cases.
Seven shelves worth of CDs now fit in about two and a third shelves.

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