maggior;609041 Wrote: 
> My wife wishes I would do this since I got a Kindle for Christmas.  The
> problem is that there are a significant number of books that I have
> that are not available in eBook format.  It reminds me of when CDs
> first came out - remember that period in the late 80's/early 90's where
> you anxiously anticipated albums becoming available on CD for the first
> time?
> This is off topic, but I love reading on my Kindle.  I may never buy a
> print book again (for novels at least).  It's to books what the
> Squeezebox is to music.

I got a Kobo for Christmas, which is a very nice, albeit limited,
device.  Unlike the Kindle, supports checking out ebooks from the
library (ePub format with Adobe DRM).  Good battery life, works very

Doesn't really work very well, though, with combination of text and
illustrations.  Am reading a book now (Life Ascending by Nick Lane, a
prize-winning popular science book), and it occasionally refers to an
illustration, presumably one incorporated in the text at that point. 
This is not the case in the ePub format, suspect it's not the case in
the Kindle's proprietary format either -- would be in the PDF versions,
but then you wouldn't get the text flow options.  Nice if they would get
that fixed.

On vacation at the moment, and I've been reading quite voraciously. 
The Kobo is great for this, very good resolution, easy to read and
weighs almost nothing.

However, I do like a really nice well-produced book.  For the
innumerable fiction-reads I go through, an eReader makes perfect sense.
Less so for situations where the book itself (combination of content
and production) is a beautiful work of art.

As to storing my CDs, we have enough space I can store the boxes (and
boxes and boxes) in the basement.  However, new acquisition CDs (since
I got the SB have taken over the old space where current CDs cluttered
things up.  Time for another box or two.  


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