bluegaspode;606985 Wrote: 
> As often said SqueezePad focusses on keeping stuff that you need
> everyday easy and intuitive. Things that one only needs once a month or
> less are left in their original menus.
I would say: things only certain users use.
Take shuffle and repeat. That's NEVER something you use once a month.
It's either something you _never_ use - in which case you are probably
fine with SqueezePad's UI - or several times a day - in which case you
are probably not.
> And lets face it: both depend on the SqueezeBox server which limits
> what both can do most. This just leaves some small areas like multiple
> screensavers or how to render the synchronization state.
... Or how you do volume control
... or whether you display big artwork or tiny stamps.
Face it, there's a lot you can do with that server if you don't just
use SqueezePlay menus as they are.
> So its not just single users that write me stuff like this
But you should probably mention that a lot of them compare it to iPeng
on iPhone as you can see here:
> for example, is easy in SqueezePad, via the dropdown, but in iPeng you
> need to do some cryptic left-scroll or right-scroll
iPeng for iPad also has a drop-down menu, even in pretty much the same
place... It's just soooo much easier to place functionality on the big
iPad screen.

And how important getting rid of that swiping _really_ is to users you
can see in my feature poll:
After all, everybody was talking about using gestures instead of
buttons, right...
> In the end it's up to the user but personally I would never trade
> feature count against my joy to actually use the stuff ;)
Definitely. And using only 25% of the screen for the stuff I actually
want to see - my music - and always having to navigate deep menu
structures is simply not a joy for everybody ;)

The one thing I admit you really have an edge is the general appeal of
the main screen, I was never happy with that in iPeng for iPad, it's a
first try, will get better...

But yes, we have different philosophies here: I would never trade
simple to use for simple to understand, I want an App to be easy and
fast to use long term, not in the first five minutes only, those who
only use it once a month may use more simple solutions.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at
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