bluegaspode;607011 Wrote: 
> pippin - when you describe stuff, please elaborate both sides. Such
> sentences easily can be interpreted as 'SqueezePad cannot do'
> by users who don't know the backgrounds.
Please read it again. I don't think it can be interpreted like that. I
never stated that SqueezePad can't do MySB, I said it can't handle more
than one server at a time. For example you can't switch a player between
servers with SqueezePad.
> I think counting 'unique features' like you did is not the right
> approach
I agree, but the other poster asked for exactly that.

And does it really help users to see that we don't agree on certain
points over and over again?).

No, but well, it's you doing that as much as I do...

As written in every thread like this one: the most important difference
of both products is our philosophy on how to approach things. User need
to decide between those first, otherwise they will get unhappy with the
App anyway. 
Judging on pure feature count just doesn't make any sense.

Full ack.

I'm happy to answer every user who wants to solve a specific problem
with one of the Apps how is it done in both Apps - then we can get
constructive and the user can really decide for his particular problem
what is the better fit for him. 

In this case the user asked
michael123;606896 Wrote: 

Which features are unique to iPeng?

As an example: even users who more often use repeat and shuffle might
find the SqueezePad way sufficient (one tap on home, one tap on
So just saying: "a unique feature of iPeng is to have icons/buttons for
shuffle and repeat on the mainscreen" completely misses the point.
First because it makes the impression, that a shuffle/repeat feature is
maybe missing in the other App

No, I explicitly said that you have to use menus for that. There are plenty
of other such examples that I did not mention.

second because there are reasons why some things are as they are - and
if they are explained users will understand and decide for themself, if
the other unique feature "SqueezePad has a very clean interface, which
is not cluttered with a lot of controls and buttons on the main screen,
making it easier to hit stuff" has some value for him as well.

Of course. Ans as long as you keep repeating that you believe it's easier
to use if you bury the functionality in a deep menu I will keep repeating
that it's not.
It's as simple as that.

Another example would be the WOL thing. If the users asks 'can I do
this an that' it's easy to answer 'yes possible' or 'you would do it
this way with this App'.
You just said 'manual WOL' is a unique feature of iPeng which points
the user who doesn't have the background in a completely wrong
direction (thinking that only iPeng has WOL) as you can see from the
following posts.

Sorry, but you are putting things in the wrong order again. Read back.
I mentioned manual WOL as an answer to the question of what is unique in
iPeng, the OP was asking for unique features!
I did NOT state that WOL is unique to iPeng in my whole answer to his WOL
question which he only asked AFTER I posted that list.
Please show me where you keep explaining to your users how they could
handle things in iPeng?

So with this development speed - what now about missing or unique
features? Who knows what points from your list are already solved in
SqueezePad within the next 3 months?

Well, development speed is also a question of priorities. And you know very
well why playback hasn't been around for iPeng for the last month and you
don't want me to elaborate on that over here, too, believe me.

And again: I don't believe either that feature count is it. And I _do_
mention whenever that comes up that there aren't really a lot of feature
differences but that the philosophy is more important.
But as long as you keep falsely claiming that iPeng was more complex to use
because it has more features I keep claiming that it's not.
And no, it's not only about putting a lot of buttons on the home screen
(after all you keep criticizing iPeng for iPhone for NOT doing that where
you have to use the swipe gesture).

It's probably not alway obvious to understand because it does a lot of
things more efficient than SqueezePad, as in FASTER to use. Yes, I rank
faster to use over easier to understand while you rank easier to understand
higher. That's what in the end the philosophical differences between the
Apps boil down to.
I try to mitigate that through extensive help functionality but in the end
there might be a lot of users who prefer your approach over mine, that's

Let's get back to the positive way we used to have when writing about
each others App.

Agreed. But then PLEASE stop making ridiculously false claims like
"Playback arrives on iPad" which was just plain wrong in every conceivable


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at
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