Initially I had no trouble with 7.5.3 with my Duet, wireless network,
but as time goes by things have gotten much worse.

Initially installed back when it went RTM and thought all was well,
this was on W7 x64. Player worked fine.

A couple of weeks later I did W7 SP1, had a initial connect problem,
did a reset on the player/controller and reconnected and again was
happy. Found that occasionally when I rebooted the PC I'd have to again
reset player/controller to hook back up to my SBS server.

Then about a week ago I upgraded Avast to 6.0.1000 and that's when the
grief really started. I did get the controller/player to connect to SBS
and initially thought all was well right up until a couple of days ago
when I rebooted the PC. Tried and tried to get things to connect and I
just couldn't get it to go. I could get the player to connect to the
network (blue light), but that wasn't even consistent. Usually the
player would hang after a reset at bright yellow.

After checking out these forums I saw I wasn't alone in having trouble
with 7.5.3 and after reading several posts I decided that I'd go back
to 7.5.2.

I wish I could say that the fallback was painless, but it wasn't. After
installing 7.5.2 I still couldn't get my player to connect, it would
still hang on bright yellow. I then tried connecting the player via
ethernet. Got a IP from the router (blue light), but still couldn't get
it to connect. I then decided I'd take more drastic action, fully
uninstalled 7.5.2, deleted remaining SBS directories in both Program
Files and Program Data directories and completely removed Avast.

At this point I installed 7.5.2, tried a reset on the player/controller
and tried to get it configured and connect wirelessly, but this was
still a nogo and would hang at blue light on the player. I then
connected the player via ethernet and tried again. Bingo! Player
connected to my 7.5.2 server and immediately asked to go back to 7.5.1
r9009 which I did. Disconnected ethernet, did reset and was able to get
things set up wirelessly.

At this point I reinstalled Avast 6.0.1000 rebooted and things all
hooked up great (so I thought). Went to play some music which started,
but after a second or two the player dropped connection to yellow then
green then back to blue, but didn't connect to the SBS. Did a reset and
configure on player and got it right back to connected to SBS. Started
to play music and it dropped off again just like the first time.

I then went to the W7 firewall and now have 3 separate rules. One
outbound to allow SBS to do what it wants with any protocol on any
port. 2 inbound to let SBS do whatever it wants. 1 inbound that allows
TCP on all ports local and remote and another inbound to allow UDP on
all ports local and remote.

With all these changes I seem to now have my stable platform back! Been
running for 2 days with no issues including reboots of PC running SBS
and I don't have to mess with anything.

With all of this I'd say 7.5.3 has some connectivity issues. Those
issues seem to go from not so bad to really bad when 7.5.3 is on W7 SP1
with Avast 6.0.1000. All seems to work just fine running SBS 7.5.2 with
W7 SP1 and Avast 6.0.1000.

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