pippin;619911 Wrote: 
> It's actually a more general thing: Gestures generally test very bad in
> user acceptance tests.
> It's one of these things: Everybody is making a big fuss about all the
> cool gesture-enabled features of iThingies and Multitouch and
> everything and if you then go out and test this stuff in market
> research you find that what people want (or, to be precise: what they
> tell you that they want) is deep menu structures and textual menus.

Interesting.  I'm not a UI designer, but as a user I disagree.  It's
all in my head, but there's just something that seems less "intrusive"
about swiping to the left or right side of a larger virtual screen when
compared to the alternative of moving up or down a level of hierarchy. 
Probably just me.

> Why is that? Because all this testing is with users who are new to an
> application and hence had no time to learn a usage scheme or get used
> to it. So they prefer what they immediately understand.
> It's the same if you look at what people who decide after trying Apps
> base their decision on.

So I imagine that the Logitech app will feel quite natural to someone
who uses (and likes) the SP interface but has little general android
experience.  On the other hand, the experienced android user will find
it just weird that, for example, some screens have a back button on the
screen in addition to the native one on the device.

Mark Miksis
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