Hi folks!

I just uploaded version 1.1.0 to the AppStore! A lot of sleepless
nights went into this new version so here we are:

-  native FLAC support - saves a lot of bandwidth in your network
  when you play FLAC
-  support for media-buttons (play/stop/prev/next) if one connects
  headphones having those buttons
-  display is allowed to go off now, saving you some battery life
-  new setting 'observe headphones': if you want to stop playback
  when you unplug your headphones
-  experimental support for synchronization: songs won't drift apart
  anymore when SqueezePlayer is synchronized to a Squeezebox.
  Be aware that (in my experience) Androids sound system is a little
  mess: high latencies and inaccurate timing might spoil your
  experience, so whether this feature works for you is very device

I'll be focussing now on creating a website and a manual for streaming
all your tunes via 3G.


Big Screen for great Boxes available now at your AppStore: *'Squeezebox
+ iPad = SqueezePad ' (www.squeezepad.com)* - -now featuring streaming
to iPad!-  
Want to see a Weather Forecast on your Radio/Touch/Controller ? => why
not try my 'Weather Forecast Applet'
Want to use the Headphones with your Controller ? => why not try my
'Headphone Switcher Applet'

Setup: 1x SB-Controller+Receiver (Duet), 1xSB-Boom. 2xSB-Radio
Server (7.5.x) running on SheevaPlug (Ubuntu) with attached Western
Digital MyBook Essential.
bluegaspode's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=31651
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=87364

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