Boeing's 777 is a very fine aircraft, and British Airways is, certainly,
up with the best of the tier 1 carriers in terms of operations,
training, and maintenance.  Yet, a BA 777 crashed just short of the
runway at Heathrow, BA's home base, in an accident that, despite
hundreds of witnesses, crew statements, full access to flight recorders
and systems data, and complete airframe, took several years of
investigation and trials before it was fully understood.  Travelling a
fair bit in my work, and interested to understand in what had happened
to go so wrong, I noted this reference in a professional avaiation

"Peter Burkill was captain of British Airways Flight 38, a Boeing 777
with 152 aboard, when it suffered an uncommanded dual engine rollback
and crashed short of the runway at Heathrow on January 17, 2008. This
is what he experienced, in his words."


Direct link to Podcast:

I found his description compelling, and I hope that people find it so.

Incidentally, somewhile after the accident, the captain left BA for a
few months.  He has since rejoined, as a 777 captain again.  Though the
AVweb site has a second podcast interviewing Peter after he left BA, its
content - discussing mainly why he left - is not really relevant anymore
since he has since returned.  (The word around that time was that BA's
chief exec personally had a hand in getting him back.)

Hoping people find it of interest,



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