mherger;646488 Wrote: 
> > I'd *really* like to see a MOG app.  I like the MOG service better
> than
> > Spotify and would love to have it on my Squeezeboxes.
> What in particular do you like about MOG?

I've been hearing a lot of good things about MOG, and if it was
supported on Squeezebox I'd give it a try. There are a lot of
frustrating things about Spotify--tlee summarized the biggies. I'll add

At least in the US version, you can not even browse by genres, which
makes discovery very difficult. It takes a lot of effort and third
party services to find out what you might like.

They use Get Satisfaction for support. Ugh. I might as well walk out my
back door and yell bug reports and feature requests into the wind. I
wish that site was banished from the internet!

Curious how MOG is as far as getting new releases? Do new releases show
up the same day they are available to buy?



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