Thank you Antilope.

I just tried that one and it doesn't work either (though I didn't
sniff the traffic to see the format type). I'll keep searching. :)
Probably if the originating stream source of KPOJ is AAC, and there
is no publicly available transcoded version of it into a DUET
compatible format (i.e. MP3/WMA that I can tap in to), then I'm
probably out of luck for now (... since I don't want to use a personal
SBS server for transcoding). It's ok.

But later this week or next I'll write KPOJ & TuneIn/RadioIO and alert
them, in case they want to do something about it.

In summary (for others), so far these KPOJ streams don't work natively
for the DUET (i.e. without transcoding them):


Thank you. :)

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