pippin;664840 Wrote: 
> You could but then somebody would have to... well, let's see...
I kind of hope so... ;)

pippin;664840 Wrote: 
> But that would cause some other issues. Let's face it: DLNA is a nice
> standard for a content server, for control you ned something else.
Possibly, but that is the point with my "hybrid" thinking. Use DLNA on
the player/renderer side (with only some limited requirements on
control, like Volume). But for the server, one should still use SBS
full functionality more or less, see below also...

bluegaspode;664859 Wrote: 
> I think your 'hybrid' controller is already PlugPlayer together with
> LMS.
> When you connect one of your Squeezeboxes to LMS server, they are
> available via PlugPlayer as well - along your with other devices.
> Be aware of some limitations though: as Pippin already mentioned, DLNA
> has a somewhat flawed concept when it comes to control points and
> renderers. 
> The actual playlist is completely managed by PlugPlayer, when a song is
> finished it sends the next song to the device/media renderer (you can
> observe that on the Squeezebox - its own playlist only contains a
> single song) - so make sure, your iPad always has full power, otherwise
> your devices will go silent.
> Then also all features for which I bought a Squeezebox are not
> available in this DLNA-hybrid-mode. Synchronization, Gapless playlist,
> Apps, Advances Plugins.
I guess that's where I was hoping that Hybrid would mean that the
server part remains the same, with all those features that I have
gotten used to. Where DLNA becomes an add on more than a replacement
"within" or on the side of SBS. 
Today using PlugPlayer with LMS 7.7 is actually not at all what I mean
with Hybrid, it's more or less "just DLNA"... And I agree with you that
it is limited, although I don't think the playlist part is such a big
problem. I would have a problem if my iPad or SB Controller died on me
also with SBS. It would just take a little longer than a single song
before I noticed...

I guess another way of doing it the Hybrid way, would be if one could
set up a DLNA server (on the LMS host HW) who's only purpose would be
to send the SBS stream to any non Squeezebox HW (DLNA capable).
Basically capturing the stream and "repackaging" it to be sent to a
DLNA device. That way one could even use SBS of earlier revisions.

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