Mnyb;669266 Wrote: 
> +1 they should not aim at the massmarket, they should aim at to be
> biggest in thier niche .
> a product for music nerds and hifi nuts, I'll bet there is 100 time
> more music nerds that hifi nuts and shall we gues that 1/10 hifi nut
> own a squeezebox or a sonos or similar, so they have not come close to
> saturate thier " niche " market .
> I always believed that it is possible to expand 10 to 100 times in this
> niche ? this would be profitable enough to support the product.
> I think Logitech would seriusly overeach thier competence if they even
> tried to aproach massmarket in this kind of product. they done it in
> mice and pc speakers ,but I don't think they can with this kind of
> product.
> A prerequsite 90% of the population don't have is a serius music
> interest, they just want's a device that " plays something " A little
> effort in ripping and tagging on some serius exploring of the apps
> function for the online services should tweak any music entusiast :)
> but without a real music interest you wont get involved and explore the
> product, You wont be motivated to learn a little bit to get so much more
> back .
> and seruisly I find some desktop software harder to use than my whole
> squeezebox system ?
> dumbing it down would be a serius mistake , there a lot of products
> that demands a little inital effort to use but loved by thier users .
> some of my colegues are into diving or waterskiing or motorbikes .
> I would find scuba gear waterskiis or offroad motorcycles hard to
> operate and maintain.
> I would have a learning curve if tried thier stuff I would not blame
> the product.

I don't think it is a market for a company like Logitech, and I don't
think your figures are realistic.
They lost $100M in this revue thing ...
How much can they make with your market of hifi nerds ?
You know, developing software for nerds is not that hard.
They hardly care for user friendly behavior.
The more tricky it is, the more they love it.
Start this business and make money !
Don't wait for Logitech to enter this market before you do :)

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