bernt;696854 Wrote: 
> One big advantage with Squeezebox is LMS. It's the best music server
> software out there. (No, I'm not kidding)
> I like to keep everything in one location. Easy to maintain and easy to
> control.

I actually agree with the above.
My problem is that I have a large music library, but I also have an
immense movie and tv-programme library.
This means iTunes is easier to control it all.
Right now I use LMS for all my music-listening needs, but need to
switch to iTunes for movies or tv programmes.

I'll probably end up at a juncture soon. Either LMS will get very
improved DLNA capabilities, Or, I would go the Apple route as described
in my previous post.

At the end of the day, it makes sense to have one software-package
control all your digital media, whatever form it may take.

I find it annoying to have to use both LMS AND iTunes.

What will probably happen eventually, that I'll go the complete Apple
route for my own media, and use the Squeezebox ecosystem for my son and
his media

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