I realize that this is a "give me ideas for new plugins" thread, but I
have to say that what I feel is missing in the Squeezebox "experience"
is missing from the base server.

-  Browse Album Artists.
-  A better, more dynamic web interface with more attention paid to
  making it easily skinable by end users.
-  More flexibility in configuring the SqueezePlay interface - text
  size, color, now playing, title formatting.
-  More SqueezePlay player settings exposed in the web ui.
-  Better (and more reliable) cover management, including the ability
  to rescan only covers, and the ability to detect cover changes in a
  new & changed scan.
-  Better/more options in volume syncing. Volume syncing a Boom or
  Radio with players attached to stereos having a separate volume
  control just doesn't work.
-  A more powerful Random Mix.
  -  An option to exclude unchecked genres when a track has multiple
    genres. Or make it the standard behavior.
  -  The ability to set a date (year) range.
  -  Save and play random mix settings by name.
-  Bug fixes galore.
  -  Go back and fix the many small problems introduced with
  -  Rethink and fix VA handling.

JJZolx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=94987

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