bpa wrote: 
> First I suggest to check that the faad can decode your file - use faad
> from a shell prompt to create WAV file.


  root@SBS741:/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/i386-linux# faad
  bash: faad: command not found

When I had first copied the new faad, Squeezeplay 'couldn't open the
file'.  I then made the new faad executable (permissions are now 100777,
as reported by mc, and rwx by all users).  Presumably just typing faad
should invoke it?  (Even if only for it to complain about no params.)  I
saw an example command-line usage here:

> Need some m4a audio guru assistance - Hydrogenaudio Forums
> "Seems just moov box missing. Probably file was not finalized properly,
> due to premature termination of writing software or hardware. The
> following worked. If you want rescued file, I can upload it and will let
> you know.
> $ dd ibs=1 skip=44 if='your broken file.m4a' of=raw.aac
> $ faad -a adts.aac raw.aac"



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