erland wrote: 
> So, what's missing, what features do you think would make everyone
> purchase a Squeezebox instead of Sonos ?
> Is it just the lack of hardware with Logitech logo on the front as
> TheLastMan suggested or is there something we could do in software that
> would make everyone select a Squeezebox instead of Sonos ?
> Also, assuming we prefer the open Squeezebox products in front of the
> closed Sonos products, is there something we as a community could do to
> improve the situation ?
> All the premature predictions of Squeezebox end of life mentioned in a
> lot of threads in the forum is definitely a step in the wrong direction,
> but maybe there is something else we can do ?

A big part of it is the lack or hardware.  You have the radio and the
touch - that's it!!  And stores like Target aren't shoving them in
peoples faces next to the Bose products.  Crutchfield doesn't even
feature the squeezebox in their catalog anymore - just Sonos.  The best,
most robust, easiest to use software isn't going to fix these issues.

I'm a hardcore user and an avid music enthusiest.  What matters to me
isn't going to matter to 90% of the users, so satisfying my needs isn't
going to bring droves of new squeezebox users into the fold.

Feature-wise, I'm happy with what we have today.  I love that I can
easily turn my iOS and Andriod devices into portable squeezeboxes. 
Software stability is another story.  My server stops for no apparent
reason.  If it doesn't stop by itself, I have to restart it periodically
because of a memory leak.  The only reason I'm on this version of
software is Rhapsody support.  The last version of 7.3 was solid as a
rock, but doesn't support changes Rhapsody made in their protocol.  The
LMS versions scare me with all of the problems people reported along the
way.  Problems were always fixed super fast...not so any more.  

Sorry to sound like a sourpus and a negative-nancy, but I think the
issues surrounding the squeezebox are beyond help from the community. 
Logitech needs to relaunch the Squeezebox line with some new exciting
hardware and marketing support.

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