Well yes on Android any App can have background services running as long
as they want. Which is why SqueezePlayer stays alive even when silent
(but only when the device is connected to the mains) 

Never would have thought though, that someone would use it as an alarm
Please take care with this solution: if your device disconnects from the
network or the server goes down for any reason, the alarm will fail. 
Squeezeboxes do have a fallback implementation, SqueezePlayer does not. 

Now to your problem : to be honest I don't know would could be causing
Did you try with some different stream (normal radio station not via
BBCiPlayer). I think there was something special about their streams,
which also triggered the fallback alarm on the SB-Radio quite often. 

When the stream is silent: what buffer values is SqueezePad showing on
the bottom?

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